IMG_0130_cropped.JPGRosie309 views04/24/16 at 11:21Guest : Indiana: Just on-line checking points out ... love the imag...

Chester03.jpgChester406 views04/03/16 at 02:13Guest : Deena: Some wonderful pictures. Incredible colours.

IMG_2527.JPG282 views05/31/14 at 14:54LongShadow: The park was closed, we didn't care.....

covbrdgBARTONvt.jpgBartonsville Covered Bridge500 viewsBartonsville, VT05/10/12 at 00:42Bill H: Irene took out the bridge 8/28/11-It's gone n...

SandiaPeak03.jpgSandia Peak Tram383 viewsAlbuquerque, NM07/20/11 at 15:38Shadow: Looks like something from Dr. Zhivago.

DSC00322.jpg234 views05/26/11 at 10:21Wosnic: Wow, the colors are amazing...

treefrog01.jpgTree Frog297 viewsI missed him with the lawn mower.05/13/11 at 16:53Tom: My favorite

Image26~0.jpgSouthern Tier NY Waterfall470 views04/28/11 at 21:46Nick: Great pictures to remind me of the special moments...

SS_Atlantus_3.jpgS.S. Atlantus - 1973342 viewsSunset Beach, Cape May, NJ04/21/11 at 16:54Guest_Shadow: The boat has really dissolved since 1973.